How to use Warm Up to Heal Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Learn how to listen to your body with love.
Exercising with chronic pain or an injury is hit or miss. Sometimes you don’t know if you have overdone it until next day. And then it’s too late, because you are in pain or super sore.
I have developed a system of somatic dialogue, speaking to the body, to understand which exercises that I have permission to do, and which exercises maybe I should wait on. This is directly related to my Divine Dialogue. I practice asking God which exercises to do for my workout, and pray that when I really need Divine Guidance the lines of communication are open, because I have practiced them in a controlled environment, which is during my daily workout.
Pray First
Pray first is a concept I lean upon heavily. When asking for permission, I find its best to ask permission in two directions. Ask God for permission to practice Warm Up, and then ask your Body for permission to Warm Up. Receiving the response takes practice for some and others receive a clear response instantly.
“Dear God, is there permission for me to Warm Up today?”
“Dear Body, is there permission for me to Warm Up today?”
Increase your Intuition
If you’re not sure of the response, watch the Warm Up video of your choosing without physically doing the exercises at first. Imagine you’re doing the exercises. This will build the neurological pathways from your brain to your body when you think about doing the exercises even if you don’t practice them physically. When you feel ready to try the movements physically, move slowly and use your breath.
Efficiency of Movement
If you experience pain use less effort. Efficiency in exercise is a secret for pain-free movement. Imagine you can use 100% effort, 50% effort, 25% effort, or even 10% effort, when we use the amount of effort necessary to get the job done, no more and no less, this is called efficiency of movement.
If you are still experiencing pain, make the range of motion smaller.
When you have decreased the range of motion and used less effort and you still have pain, this is your body saying “no thank you” (for now, not forever). Always respect the boundaries of your body.
“Yes please” means go.
“No thank you” means no.
Developing Discernment is Wisdom
Meditation for Discernment:
Practice the Warm Up video Body Warm Up lecture 2.2 Pelvic Bowl Scan inspired by Dr. Tami Lynn Kent’s book Wild Feminine.
Understanding what “yes” and “no” feels like in the body takes practice. After you do the pelvic bowl scan Warm Up video…
Meditate on the word “yes”.
What does “yes” feel like in your body?
Meditate on the word “no”.
What does “no” feel like in your body.
The more you do this practice of meditating on the words “yes” and “no” the more you will understand your body’s physical response when it comes time to make a decision. To know when there is permission and consent, and when there is not permission or consent begins with having clarity from the inside out.
Secrets for Pain Relief
If on any given day you want to practice Warm Up, but you don’t feel up to moving physically, you can do the Vagus Nerve Meditation or the Earth and Sky Heart Meditation. These are great ways to replenish your energy, regenerating and rejuvenating, without crossing your boundaries or pushing yourself unnecessarily.
Warm Up will teach you how to find a loving flow of energy to respect your body, it’s limits, and it’s strength. You can build strength gradually over time, and you can learn to rest in your body without feeling guilty or like you “should” be working harder. Work easy is the Warm Up philosophy, and the secret to pain-free fitness.